
MacKid Cares: A family's journey

...leads to a Special Needs Ministry

By Kerilyn Womack April 7, 2014

My name is Kerilyn Womack, married for 7 years to my sweet husband, Clint, and blessed with 4 children: Luke (5), Hayven (4), Jonah (2) and Laurel (10 months old)! We are members of Real Life Christian Church, and serve in the Family Ministry, ministering to families of special needs children.


As our son Luke grew up, it became more and more apparent that he was delayed in most every developmental milestone.  He didn’t wave, make eye contact, play appropriately with toys, nor would he engage with other children.  At 18 months old he was still non-verbal.  After having him evaluated, we received the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, along with ADHD, OCD and Anxiety.  We were crushed in spirit and desperate for help, spending the coming days pleading with the Lord to take this affliction from Luke.  During this time, God put Clint and me in a place of complete isolation, creating a need in our hearts for community. 


Many parents of special needs children understand this story all too well!  Feelings of isolation and loneliness are a commonplace, and it’s hard to relate to others who have “normal” children.  This is where Real Life Christian Church steps in!  Real Life offers classes specially designed for special needs children on Sunday mornings at both 9:30 a.m. (pre-k through 2nd grade) and 11:15 a.m. (3rd grade and up) service times.  These classes focus on meeting children’s behavioral, sensory, social, verbal and physical needs.  Also available for parents is a table at Family Night every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. (with Lil’ Life Groups for children).  This table is meant to facilitate community among parents with similar struggles, as they raise children with special needs.


If you or someone you know has a special needs child, and desires community, love and acceptance, please join us!  Contact me at if you have any questions!  Hope to see you there!


<3 Kerilyn